The third assigment for the SLAE32 certification asks to study about the EggHunter shellcode and to create a working demo of it (the demo should be configurable for different payloads).
The first assigment for the SLAE32 certification asks to write a TCP Bind Shell shellcode that binds to a port and then executes a shell on the incoming connection. Requirement is that port number should be easily configurable.
The second assigment for the SLAE32 certification asks to write a TCP Reverse Shell shellcode that connects to an address and a port and then executes a shell on successful connection. Requirement is that IP address and port number should be easily configurable.
The fifth assigment for the SLAE32 certification asks to choose 3 shellcode samples created with Msfpayload for linux/x86 and dissect them presenting the analysis.
The seventh assignment for the SLAE32 certification asks to create a custom crypter like the one shown in the “Crypters” video. You are free to use any existing encryption schema and any programming language.
The fourth assigment for the SLAE32 certification asks to create a custom encoding scheme like the “Insertion Encoder” that has been presented in the course. a PoC is also requested, using execve-stack shellcode.
The sixth assigment for the SLAE32 certification asks to select 3 shellcodes from Shell-Storm and create a polymorphic version of them in order to beat pattern matching.