SLAE64 - Assignment 7 - Crypter
The seventh assignment for the SLAE64 certification asks to create a custom crypter like the one shown in the “Crypters” video. You are free to use any existing encryption schema and any programming language.
I have used the same encryption scheme and encrypt tool built for the SLAE32 certification (you can read about it at this link)
The encrypter tool:
- takes the shellcode to be encrypted from the shellcode variable
- creates a salt taking 16 random characters from digits and ascii_uppercase
- asks the user for the encryption password
- performs the encryption process
- prints on screen the different components:
- chosen password in plaintext
- random salt computed
- encrypted payload, which is a string obtained by concatenating:
- the random salt
- the shellcode encrypted with Fernet
The encrypted payload must be copied into the Decrypt-Exec utility.
The decryption-exec tool:
- takes the encrypted string generated with previous tool from the encrypted_payload variable and then splits it into the two different components:
- the salt (first 16 characters)
- the cipher_text (other characters)
- asks the user for the password (which has to be the same used for the encryption, of course)
- builds the key derivation function using the salt, with same algorithm used in the encryption
- performs the decryption, thus having the original shellcode into shellcode_data variable
- puts the shellcode in memory and cast it to shellcode_function function, for which the memory buffer has been set with Read, Write and Execute flags
- executes the shellcode
The screenshots presented above are taken from the tool published in the GitHub repo, which is itself a PoC with an ‘execve’ shellcode, which executes /bin/sh
This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
Student ID: PA-29059
GitHub repository:
This assignment has been written on a Kali Linux 2021.1 64-bit virtual machine:
└─$ uname -a
Linux kali 5.10.0-kali3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.13-1kali1 (2021-02-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux